Dept. of Cell Growth and Differentiation Inoue Laboratory


Research Overview

Research Aims

In this research field, we are engaged in mechanism elucidation and therapeutic research and development for neurological diseases as below:

(1) Exploration of therapeutic target molecules and development of therapeutic agents as molecular target therapy;
(2) Development of new vectors and exploration of safety and efficacy in vitro and in vivo as gene therapy;
(3) Research on the mechanism of action of vaccine therapy as immunotherapy treatment;
(4) Development of highly functional designer cells and construction of new administration routes for cell therapy;
(5) Elucidation of the mechanisms of involvement of non-neuronal systems for metabolic control therapy;

 We are engaged in fundamental research for the multidisciplinary treatment of neurological diseases by collaborating with patient registries.

We aim to establish curative treatments for intractable diseases through the interconnection of “Dish to Bedside,” in which research on pathophysiology and treatment methods are applied clinically, and “Bedside to Dish,” in which pathophysiology and treatment methods are studied based on findings from the clinical bedside.


Lectures etc.

September 9th 2020
NRI Webinar series, Neuroregeneration Institute, McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
“Extracellular Tau as a therapeutic target of FTLD”